Jazz Bar pic + Livingston

On a completely unrelated note, we went to Livingston yesterday after uni to visit Duy and his housemate Joanna. Suffice it to say, that after Duy's description of her and her lovely bathroom habits, I couldn't think of anything much to say to her.
I think Livingston sucks. We got there and it was freezing cold and we waited ages for Duy to rok up and show us to civilisation.... but when he did - it was a gigantic factory outlet! Shops in Livingston have 'late-night' shopping as well on Thursdays, but this place closed at 8. Harly late night at all really. Compared to the wonderful Tesco grocery shop near us that closes at midnight 6 days of the week! But I digress.
So we had roughly 2 hours to shop. I bought some shoes. Again. Which incidentally I'm wearing right now, here at the university computer. They'r some black loafers which go really well with my 'laid-back' (not lazy) look.
Sa got a cool scivvy from Ben Sherman. Dino got lost. But we found him.
Afterwards we went back to Duy's little place at st John's to find his bedroom there actually larger than his bedroom in Perth. Those of you who know his Perth bedroom will know that it's not that hard to find a bedroom bigger than his broom cupboard. So we sat there for a bit and then realised that we needed to catch the train back. Unfortunately we overestimated our walking prowess and missed the train by several minutes, meaning we had to wait another 45 minutes or so out on the platform for the next train to come. Very boring. Very cold.
By the time we got back to Waverley Station in edinburgh, we couldn't be bothered and caught a cab home. Then slept.
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