Another fun-filled weekend
On Saturday, we all woke up nice and early for our 2-day, 1-night tour of the Scottish highlands. You know, Braveheart and the like. The tour was also to take us to Loch Ness (of Loch Ness monster fame) and and the foot of Britain's tallest peak, Ben Nevis.
The tour party was made up of ourselves, a Korean girl and her mum, and six Spaniards (3 couples). So it was a cosy group, and the tour guide was also quite friendly so we were all looking forward to the tour.
To be quite honest, a lot of the tour is a blur to me, because the windy roads and lack of sleep meant that it was quite hard to stay awake - but the Scottish Highlands is a simply beautiful place to go to and some of the views there are spectacular. Here are some pics, roughly in chronological order.

That night, we stopped by in Inverness, the capital of the highlands and had dinner. As usual, we were unable to find a place to eat very quickly and in the end stopped by at another Indian restaurant. Inverness is quite a small, but pretty place - however, my memory of the place will always be coloured by a recollection of running into Dino's shoulder and having my eye squashed. But I digress.
That night we stayed at this gorgeous little bed and breakfast run by a small, nervous old lady called Molly. She was a dear and helped us to find our way around the city and indeed the country by way of some maps on her walls.

Duy went for a swim in the Loch, but the rest of us stayed dry. Sa took the normal approach and played with some swans. They're white. Weird, no?

Take care everyone - hope to see you soon.
Trebuchet! Someone once said to me, "you haven't lived life if you haven't built a model trebuchet."
OK that sounds really weird, but it is now one of my life goals to build one. :P
Monday, January 30, 2006 12:21:00 pm
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